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Our Story

Challenges in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka reported a computer literacy rate of 34.3 percent, signaling the country’s growing digital presence. However, this digital surge was accompanied by significant gaps in digital security, online freedoms, and gender-based violence, casting shadows over the potential benefits of the digital revolution.

In 2017, amidst the rapidly evolving digital landscape of Sri Lanka, a ray of hope emerged – an initiative that would come to be known as “digizen.” This inspiring journey was set in motion under the visionary leadership of Sanoon Mohideen, Founder and Executive Director of the “FrameOut” organization, and Arzath Areef, Co-Founder and CEO of ideaGeek, a prominent IT company based in Sri Lanka. Together, they embarked on a transformative mission: to reshape the digital realm, creating online spaces that were safe, informed, and respectful for all.


Challenges in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka reported a computer literacy rate of 34.3 percent, signaling the country’s growing digital presence. However, this digital surge was accompanied by significant gaps in digital security, online freedoms, and gender-based violence, casting shadows over the potential benefits of the digital revolution.

In 2017, amidst the rapidly evolving digital landscape of Sri Lanka, a ray of hope emerged – an initiative that would come to be known as “Digizen.” This inspiring journey was set in motion under the visionary leadership of Sanoon Mohideen, Founder and Executive Director of the “FrameOut” organization, and Arzath Areef, Co-Founder and CEO of ideaGeek, a prominent IT company based in Sri Lanka. Together, they embarked on a transformative mission: to reshape the digital realm, creating online spaces that were safe, informed, and respectful for all.

Initiated by

A Vision Takes Shape

At the heart of these challenges lay the absence of a National Digital Security System, greatly impacting people’s data privacy. Sri Lanka’s low ranking in the National Cyber Security Index, coupled with the absence of comprehensive cybersecurity legislation, left its digital infrastructure vulnerable to data breaches and hacking incidents.

Moreover, the digital divide persisted, disproportionately affecting gender and income disparities. With limited access to devices and internet providers, less than half of the population had access to the internet. This digital literacy gap, particularly between men and women, emphasized the urgent need for inclusive digital initiatives, especially in rural areas.

Amid these obstacles, gender-based violence emerged as a pressing concern, with online harassment ranking as the second most common form of cybercrime in Sri Lanka. The anonymity of the internet often shielded perpetrators from accountability, exacerbating the problem.

Disinformation and hate speech further compounded the challenges, with mainstream media and even the government contributing to the spread of false information and distrust towards NGOs, journalists, and human rights defenders.


01. The Birth of digizen

It was against this backdrop of formidable challenges that digizen came into being, a name born from the fusion of “Digital” and “Citizen.” digizen embarked on a profound mission: to revolutionize Sri Lanka’s digital landscape.

At its core, digizen was driven by the desire to empower individuals, enabling them to become responsible, informed, and ethical digital citizens. Their holistic approach encompassed training, research, advocacy for internet security, promotion of media literacy, and championing digital ethics. digizen’s unwavering commitment to these principles began to make a resounding impact across Sri Lanka.

02. A Growing Influence

As time passed, digizen’s influence steadily grew. Their dedication to fostering a digital environment that encouraged knowledge, collaboration, and responsible digital citizenship resonated deeply with people from all walks of life.

digizen’s commitment to localization, ensuring that resources were accessible in local languages, ensured that their message reached even the remotest corners of the country. Through their tireless dedication, they began to reshape the narrative, advocating for a digital realm that respected freedom of expression, safeguarded online privacy, and fought against gender-based violence and disinformation.


03. A Legacy of Resilience and Innovation

In the end, digizen’s history became one of resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to creating a better digital world. Their journey was not without its challenges, but it was marked by triumphs, both large and small. digizen proved that in the face of adversity, dedicated individuals with a vision could effect meaningful change.

As Sri Lanka continued to navigate the complexities of the digital age, digizen stood as a shining example of what could be achieved when the power of knowledge, collaboration, and responsible digital citizenship converged. They had taken the first steps toward realizing their vision of online spaces that were safe, informed, and respectful. Their story would continue to inspire generations to come.

Meet Our Core Team

We are a team of planners, creatives and forward-thinking individuals leading the digizen initiative

Arzath Areeff

Co-Founder and Lead Trainer
Advocacy Lead

Sadanya Gnanamoorthy

Advocacy Lead
Communication Lead

Abiramy Logachandren

Communication Lead

Sanoon Mohideen

Co-Founder and Lead Trainer
Country Coordinator for Tibet

Penpa Tsering

Country Coordinator for Tibet
Consultancy Lead

Britny Shruthi Douglas

Consultancy Lead

Mohamed Abreeth

Creative Lead
Country Coordinator for Thailand

Aslam Aleeming

Country Coordinator for Thailand

Arzath Areeff

Co-Founder and Lead Trainer

Sanoon Mohideen

Co-Founder and Lead Trainer
Consultancy Lead

Britny Shruthi Douglas

Consultancy Lead
Advocacy Lead

Sadanya Gnanamoorthy

Advocacy Lead

Mohamed Abreeth

Creative Lead
Communication Lead

Abiramy Logachandren

Communication Lead
Country Coordinator for Tibet

Penpa Tsering

Country Coordinator for Tibet
Country Coordinator for Thailand

Aslam Aleeming

Country Coordinator for Thailand

Join Us in Shaping a Digital Future

Today, digizen invites you to join us in shaping a digital future where every citizen can thrive. Together, we can build a safer, more informed, and respectful digital world for all. Join our mission and be part of the transformation.

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